Quicksilver Messenger

Alexander Cockburn

Alex is an Irish citizen who has been a resident in the United States since 1973. He began his career in England in 1963, working at the Times Literary Supplement followed by the New Left Review, and the New Statesman. Thereafter, he was a freelance journalist until he moved to the United States.

Between 1973, when he moved to New York, and 1983 he was a columnist for The Village Voice, writing on the press, politics, and the economy. In this period he also contributed a large number of articles to The New York Review of Books, Esquire, Harpers, More, the New Statesman, and other publications.

In 1983 he became a regular columnist for The Nation and began to contribute articles to Grand Street, American Film, Vanity Fair, Zeta, and Interview. He also began syndicating a column to alternative weeklies in the U.S., including In These Times and Anderson Valley Advertiser. Since the middle of 1990 he has had a weekly column in the L.A. Times.

He is now a weekly columnist for The New York Press.

He has appeared regularly on national television on such programs as Ted Koppel's Nightline, and The Donahue Show.

His books include: Idle Passion. Chess and the Dance of Death (Simon & Shuster), Corruptions Of Empire. Life Studies And The Reagan Era (Verso), and The Fate Of The Forrest. Developers, Destroyers And Defenders (now in paperback, Harper & Row), and The Golden Age Is In Us (Verso).

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