Essential Reading

CounterPunch Newsletter

by Alexander Cockburn and Ken Silverstein

The Village Voice says CounterPunch, "outshines all its competitors."
Out of Bounds calls it, "the most important politcal newsletter in the country."
CounterPunch tells the facts and names the names!

Its stories have been picked up by or generated articles in Harper's, The Nation,
the National Journal, the New York Daily News, The Washington Post,
the Texas Observer, and several other publications.

Subscription Information

One year, individual, $40
One year, institution, $100
One year, student/low income, $25
Back issues, $3.00 each

To subscribe, make checks payable to: CounterPunch.
Return to: CounterPunch (Z), PO BOX 18675, Washington, DC 20036

Add $10 for foreign subscriptions.

From past issues:

Sterile Hopes: The U.S. and Population Control: "...a pamphlet detailing the abuses at the Agency for International Development (AID)-funded clinics in Haiti says that local clinics offered food and small amounts of money to encourage sterilization. 'Acceptors' were promised that vasectomies were not only reversable but would help prevent disease. Women were offered clothing in exchange for agreeing to use Norplant, which led to a host of problems, including constant bleeding, headaches, dizziness, nausea, radical weight loss, depression, and fatigue. Demands that the Norplant rods be taken out were obstructed."

"...AID's Port-au-Prince, Haiti bureau states policy targets baldly: to obtain 200,000 new 'acceptors' of contraception...There is no mention of any 'targets' with regard to women's health..."

Our Man Jesse: Hard Times Ahead for AID: "One beneficial result of the mid-term elections is that the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Jesse Helms of North Carolina, detests AID and intends to rein in its bureaucrats."

Smoking Salomon: This article "describes exactly how Wall Street's biggest players have earned astronomic rates of return on their Mexican operations, especially from debt scheduling agreements..."
