The New Sun Newspaper

Unsung Heroes

Our world is filled with Unsung Heroes
Though they never make it to the newspaper page
So I picked up my pen, for their cause;
And sing a song for their Goodness sake
Universal are these few good women and men
Never confined to any one race, Nation or Religion
The painter, carpenter and the mechanic
Not to forget mothers, fathers, and wives
You will meet them, in every path of life;
Like stars on a clear night they shine;
Conscientious in work and shy by nature
Firm determination, courageous under pressure
Unmindful to who so ever they serve
Their hands are steady and strong are their nerves.
Only thru them is well preserved, the lamp of Hope.
For a greater and brighter hope to come
Their sweet smile will soothe, all you wear and tears
If you only extend your hand without any fear.
Behind their kindness unpolluted
You will see the smiling face and hands of God
They are like islands of sanity, in a world gone mad.

from Dialogues with My Self, by Saikat Mondal. Available at