Book Review: Wise Secrets of Aloha
"Aloha calls. Listen into the breeze, the splash of waves—the air is filled with Aloha. Listen, you are being called to
the Aloha Spirit in the book you are holding..." so begins the preface inviting the spiritually adventurous to enter
the sacred world of the Hawaiian Kahuna, shedding light on the native healing practice called Lomilomi.
Lomolomi's healing touch is a way of life, both for the giver (practitioner) and receiver (patient). As with other
types of energy healing (i.e. Reiki), it is a combination of laying on of hands and focused loving intent, blended
with divine insight aiming at restorative results.
Through a style of personal interviews, workshop elements and stories, we come to learn about Harry Uhane Jim's
Hawaiian priestly inheritance, and the rich history behind the skill of mending body and mind by producing a shift
in consciousness.
Harry Uhane Jim, a spiritual spokesperson of his authentic Hawaiian bloodline, and Garnette Arledge, a hospice
chaplain, author and metaphysical mentor, team up to make available native wisdom up till now only verbally
transmitted to apprentices of the Lomilomi priesthood.
Employing four special techniques, Lomilomi's gift from Spirit-receivers have their resonance raised bringing
aspects of self into alignment. This internal process, initiated by the giver, clears the channels through which
life force may flow unimpeded, restoring well-being.
Chapter by chapter Kahuna and author weave an almost imperceptible web through the narrative creating a
therapeutically subtle, mentally medicinal, atmosphere to bring about transformation in the reader. Our inner
healer is invoked, and through an infusion of understanding we are purposefully guided the Hawaiian way toward
greater wholeness.
Under the spell—relaxing into layers of Hawaiian myth, mysticism, and philosophy—we are gently
pulled into a
healing vortex. Diving deeper, expanding consciousness within helps us nurse ourselves back, from the
dissonance of daily life, to increased health and harmony.
The values presented in this book can facilitate positive change in our own belief system even if we are
not adherents of Hawaiian ritual practice. If we allow divine meaning to take shape we can find ourselves
on the road to recovery by the subtle energy of the Kahuna connection to Spirit behind the words.
Ms. Arledge, a Kahuna-trained giver herself, lends much clarity to describing the cultural context and
spiritual principles supporting Lomilomi, and an easy style which makes this book a delight to read.
Not an ordinary "how to" book, Wise Secrets of Aloha is a welcome addition to any library on esoteric
healing. These teachings help us heal and through us, create a condition for positive solutions for Terra
Gaia—a noble vision to aim for.
Hopefully, by attending to our own wounds, and helping others mend theirs, we lessen the level of pain
on the planet and consequently benefit all of Mother Earth by rippling effect.
Thank you both.
Wise Secrets of Aloha. Learn and LIve the Sacred Art of Lomilomi by Kahuna Harry Uhane Jim and Garnette Arledge (Weiser Books, 2007) is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon.com. |