..Jon Simonds..

Holiday Gifts for Jewish Elementary School Teachers
The Basically Brooklyn Series

Once again, the Holiday Season is about to wrap its mighty arms around us. Christmas is all but upon us and December can be overwhelming. There are the folks, the kids, the closest of friends and of course, the teacher.

Elementary teachers are the biggest recipients of gifts from students and often the classrooms throwing the most holiday parties. Of course your child is going to want to give a present.

After all, Elementary School is the first true test of trauma for a young kindergartener experiencing his first true period of separation from the safety of the nest. Your child probably learns more about life in those early elementary years than any place else in life.

So, what do you get his or her teacher for that big old Christmas party? And more importantly, what do you do if you know your child's teacher is Jewish?

You'll find a nifty Jewish Gift Shop at Bonfire Designs.com featuring a vast assortment of Jewish themed gifts. Teddy Bears are always a big sell and are also very modestly priced. A travel mug is also a good idea for a teacher on the go. Bonfire Designs allows you to design the mug yourself and this is all doable for less than twenty dollars. Just grab your youngster, sit down and the computer and put together a personalized mug with maybe a Chanukah menorah, or a Star of David. Your gift will come as a big surprise to your teacher and most importantly of all, a huge joy for your child.

Judaic Specialities.com is another great place featuring gifts that may appeal to the Mr. Friedman, playing Santa Claus to a classroom full of students. There is a horde of humorous reading in the form of Jewish themed novels floating around this website. There is also something as simple as an eloquent calendar noting all the Jewish Holidays, including many our American themed calendars tend to leave out. Teachers are, for the most part, quite organized individuals. Calendars can make for very useful gifts.

Food may not be a truly lasting gift, but it can be an unforgettable gift all the same. William Greenberg Junior specializes in kosher desserts and some of his cookies are among the finest available. The classic black and white cookie, often hard to find, is one of his many specialties and best of all, you get to pick your own colors. A trip to his website: www.wmgreenbergdesserts.com will have you feasting your eyes on chocolate macaroons and Passover sponge cakes.

His treats are every bit as heavenly as the holiday seasons reflect, but a word to the wise: order a few extras for yourself. After all, in the case of Mr. Greenberg's desserts, there is nothing wrong with indulging in life's guilty pleasures.

Be it Kwanza, Christmas, or, Chanukah - happy holiday to all.

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